Annex 3: Pre-Submission STIL-D Heronby Policy

10  New Settlement (Heronby)


Location: Heronby (Land to the south of Escrick Road, Stillingfleet)

Total Site Area: 173 Ha

Publication Version_STIL-D.pdf

This site is allocated as a New Settlement

Indicative dwelling capacity: 3387 dwellings by 2065 (approximately 945 within the Local Plan Period of 2040)

Site Requirements

The Heronby New Settlement should be developed in accordance with a clear Vision and Masterplan for the site accompanied by a suite of Design Codes to be agreed by the  Council and developed in co-ordination with the local communities of Escrick, Stillingfleet and the Local Highways Authority. The Masterplan should further develop the concept Masterplan set out in the Heronby Delivery Strategy February 2022 and incorporate proposals to promote active travel, the provision of a village centre, a new country park between the site and the village of Escrick and deliver high levels of sustainability.  The Masterplan must be accompanied by a phasing and delivery strategy for the site developed in conjunction with infrastructure providers and approved by the Council in order to ensure that requirements are in place to support the new community. The provision of a new Primary School, employment land and Village Centre must be included within Phase 1. 

A key issue to be addressed will be minimising the impact on the A19 and the A19/A 64 roundabout. The site promoters have prepared a detailed Transport Assessment (February 2022) and Transport and Viability Briefing Note (May 2022). The Transport Assessment has been prepared using assumptions based upon a Decide and Provide approach, which includes 50% internalisation of trips. In order to ensure the development does not have significant adverse impact on the highway network at the planning application stage a clear strategy will need to be submitted which demonstrates that these levels are attainable through proposals which will deliver a significant modal shift and proposals on the site which will achieve these high levels of trip rate internalisation. The site promoter will be required to undertake annual modal shift surveys to demonstrate that assumptions are being delivered and where required further mitigation measures may be required. 


The development will also be required to deliver the following highway infrastructure improvements as set out in the Transport Assessment subject to agreement by the Local Highways Authority and National Highways:

·         Footway/cycleway on A19 between Escrick Road and Carr Lane and signalised pedestrian crossing.

·         Vehicular access to the site from both the A19 and B122, through the provision of a new roundabout to provide access onto the A19.

·         Skipwith Road/A19 traffic signal improvements.

·         Crockey Hill/A19 junction improvements.

·         Escrick bypass.

·         A64/A19 junction improvements.

The site promoter will be required to agree the phasing plan for these interventions with the Local Highways Authority and National Highways at the planning application stage. 

In addition to satisfying these requirements and relevant planning policies, development proposals on this site will be required to:

1.      Provide a minimum of 20% affordable housing and a range of sizes and types of homes to meet the requirements of the Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment or successor document in order to create a new  socially inclusive community. 

2.      Work with Health and Adult Social Care providers to ensure the delivery of a new care village on site to meet the needs older people or those with learning disabilities.      

3.      Provide two new primary schools, a new secondary school, health care and other services to meet the day to day needs of residents.

4.      Provide 5ha of employment land.

5.      Ensure Design codes respond appropriately to the setting of the site and reflect local characteristics.

6.      Use a sequential approach to residual flood risk when locating the various uses on the site, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Council’s level 2 SFRA. A site specific flood risk assessment will be required to address relative vulnerabilities across the site.

7.       Provide a comprehensive network of cycleways and footpaths within the site and connections to the Trans Pennine Trail running through the site in order to prioritise opportunities for active travel and linkages to the villages of Escrick and Stillingfleet.

8.      Ensure that addressing the impacts of climate change are integral to the design of the development, through maximising opportunities for community energy schemes, carbon neutral development and the incorporation of a network of Sustainable Drainage Systems.

9.      Ensure that the existing Ancient Woodland is protected and enhanced and that the Masterplan includes a detailed long-term strategy to avoid and mitigate for impacts in this area of woodland including how ecological linkages between nearby ancient woodland blocks can be protected and enhanced.

10.   Provide a comprehensive landscaping strategy to ensure the delivery of a range of multi-functional open spaces including formal recreation spaces, areas for growing food such as orchards and allotments and natural habitat areas.

11.  Be supported by a Heritage Impact Assessment which looks to preserve or enhance the Escrick Conservation Area. 

12.  A new waste water treatment works should be provided to support the development of the site and sustainable drainage systems should be incorporated into the design of the development. Reinforcement of the waster supply system will need to be developed through working closely with Yorkshire Water.

  Supporting Information

a.       The provision of a New Settlement at Heronby will help to meet the longer term growth of the District beyond the end of this Local Plan period. The site provides the opportunity to create a well designed mixed new community with a range of local facilities. The Council's Objectives for the New Settlement, which reflect Garden City Principles are:-

·         Provide mixed-tenure homes and housing types that are genuinely affordable;

·         The creation of a range of local job opportunities within easy commuting distance of homes;

·         Beautifully and imaginatively designed homes with gardens, combining the best of town and country to create healthy communities;

·         Development that enhances the natural environment, providing a comprehensive green infrastructure network and biodiversity gains and that uses zero-carbon and energy-positive technology to ensure climate resilience;

·         Strong cultural, recreational and shopping facilities in walkable, vibrant sociable neighbourhoods.

b.      The site promoters have prepared a detailed Highways Assessment to demonstrate the likely impact on the highway network, based on a number of assumptions. At the planning application stage the promoters will need to provide a clear strategy for interventions which demonstrate how internalisation at 50% can be delivered and a detailed costed phasing plan for the delivery of mitigation measures along the A19 and A19/A64 roundabout. 

c.       It is anticipated that approximately 945 new dwellings will be built within the Local Plan period up to 2040, with the remainder of the site being completed by approximately 2065, which reflects the longer lead in times likely to ensure improvements to infrastructure can be delivered in timely manner. The delivery of improvements to local infrastructure is crucial to ensuring the development meets the objectives set out above and therefore a detailed implementation strategy, informed by engagement with infrastructure providers should be submitted with any planning application. The New Settlement should be sustainable and therefore new community facilities and employment land will be brought forward alongside housing.